
10 Ways to build the entrepreneurial mindset you need to win

10 Ways to build the entrepreneurial mindset you need to win

10 Ways to build the entrepreneurial mindset you need to win


1. Be resilient and tenacious

Be resilient and believe in what you’re doing. Not everything you do will work. Sometimes it seems as though it downright failed but from each setback comes learning and insight. Iterate.  The entrepreneurs’ mindset is about building your tenacity muscle so it’s one of your key strengths. It’s resilience that differentiates successful business owners from the wannabes.

2. Get an entrepreneurs’ mindset makeover

Successful business owners rarely resemble the person they were when they started. From day one they are always learning by educating themselves and the daily trial and error. They constantly surprise themselves by what they can cope with, the obstacles they can overcome. Each day they gain more experience that will lead them to the goals they desire. Each small step forward gives them a confidence boost and greater self-worth. They didn’t start with the mindset they need to win they become that person with each step they take outside their comfort zone.

3. Get some perspective

Keep it all in perspective. Hold onto your sense of perspective to place short-term setbacks in the context of your higher and longer-term goals. The mindset you need to win takes the tedious little things that you WILL have to do, and sprinkles them with a winning perspective so they all have meaning and drive motivation toward the bigger prize.

4. Think big and small

It’s important to learn to think big and small. Small and big. Use your entrepreneurs’ mindset to link them together. Make sure that all those small day-to-day decisions align with the big picture actions and that you’re not kidding yourself by just staying busy. It’s up to you to connect those big goals and ideas to the itty bitty sometimes hard to do stuff that needs to happen if you’re going anywhere. Don’t kid yourself on this one, if your goals and strategy aren’t linked to what you and your team are doing as the everyday, your chain is broken.

5. Treasure your time

As a business owner time is perhaps, the, most valuable asset you have. It’s a limited resource and there are infinite ways to use it, so choose wisely. A successful entrepreneurs’ mindset means you protect and manage your time zealously. Make it a priority to become a real pro at time management.

6. Orientate to Outcomes

Get and keep extraordinary levels of clarity on your outcome. Nearly all of those who own the business of their dreams, have a crystal-clear vision of the outcome they’re striving for before they ever start. It helps them keep going no matter what the obstacle. Under, over, around or right through the middle of it, no obstacle is going to keep them from their chosen outcome. They took the time to clearly define what it is that they wanted to accomplish; what that outcome would look, feel, taste, sound and smell like. The difference it would make to their lives, to the people they serve and to those they love most. With this level of clarity in mind and a cell deep certainty they are orientated to reach the top. Get so clear on your outcome you can feel it in your bones then fuel up and take it all the way home.

7. Set the dial for growth

You are what you believe. If you believe you’re set to a fixed capability and level of accomplishment, then however hard you run you’re not going to move forward.  If instead you grab yourself an entrepreneurial mindset you will truly believe in your ability to do other things and be who you want to be. That growth mindset will enable you dial in for growth and accomplish more and more and more.

8. Banish the nay-sayers

Harsh as it is, there’s no middle ground on this one, for now they have to go. One negative voice in your ear can make you question yourself and your dream. One negative mindset can infect your entire team. Especially in the early days, your belief may be quite fragile. Even those you love friends and family make need to step back. Their desire to protect you from their own demons is not going to help you build an unstoppable mindset to success. The entrepreneurial mindset comes from doing, if they aren’t running a successful business today they don’t know what you’re doing.

9. Take persistent action

Funnel your energy into taking more and more persistent action. Build it from that first tentative trickle into an unstoppable torrent. As a leader, your key is then to help your team focus their energies on the activities that matter, the small stuff that moves you forward and the bigger actions that result. There are so many things that can distract and discourage your team. Focus their attention on the actions that matter and set your entrepreneurial mindset to lead by example.

10. Embrace the uncertainty

However big your business gets, the uncertainty of what’s around the corner never goes away. Successful entrepreneurs see uncertainty as opportunity, others feel stressed and see it as overwhelming. Part of the difference depends on how well you’re strapped in when the roller coaster begins. Great entrepreneurs have a good grasp of their business position and know its’ strengths and weaknesses. They keep looking ahead and understand as many of the opportunities and threats as they can foresee. This enables them to quickly shore up the downside and avoid the pitfalls as they move full steam towards the potential.



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  • Get on the right track to achieve results fast!
  • Define success
  • Formulate strategies
  • Develop your plan
  • Secure initial funding
  • Find the customers you need to survive
  • Deliver sustainable competitive advantage


Accelerate your growth

  • Boost your business performance
  • Shape your company’s future
  • Upgrade your strategy, tactics and metrics
  • Prepare your structures, governance and finance for scale
  • Attract more of the right customers
  • Meet the digital challenge


Secure your future

  • Capitalize on new opportunities
  • Deep dive into the art and science of digital marketing
  • Leverage new and existing technologies
  • Strengthen your leadership skills
  • Build better processes and systems
  • Excel at the day to day


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